
Showing posts from April, 2020

Blog 10

Because we live in a technologically advanced era, it is imperative for educators to keep up with trends. There are many ways for educators to develop their professional development. Two examples are by active learning and sustained duration. Active learning allows for educators to engage in their own learning and understand lessons on using technology in order to tackle difficult classroom tasks. Sustained duration centralizes around the idea that when it comes to learning how to use a new piece of technology, it takes time! By adopting these principles, educators will be able to become knowledgable in areas of technology where they may struggle. A great website that keeps you updated on technology is .  One can discover latest news on gadgets, games, software, web services, and more! The last two Powerpoint assignments were my favorite part of this class! I enjoyed them so much because of what I learned. I was able to learn how to use action buttons whic...