
Showing posts from March, 2020

Blog 11

I can see the many benefits that Excel has to offer in terms of student reports. However, I do not see myself using the application as others may. I have attempted to use Excel on multiple occasions and rarely am I able to use it correctly no matter how much time or effort I put into it. Data collection, on the other hand, I can see myself using when observing my students. Because I hope to teach middle school, observing behaviors will help me develop a more effective teaching style. This is more of a personal collection. Implementing surveys both at the beginning and end of the school year would also be something that I do to understand what worked and what didn't for the students. The "flipped classroom" is the idea that we opt for core instruction to be taught at home, while homework is worked on in the classroom. This allows for students to work through the lecture at a pace comfortable for them and to work on assignments that they may need assistance with with th...

Blog #9

As technology becomes more advanced, it is without question that those who have certain limitations will struggle. Some of these limitations can include age, mental disabilities, or other physical impairments. This is why the incorporation of assistive and adaptive technologies are imperative when catering to this particular group of individuals. These technologies allow for those who struggle with carrying out specific tasks to obtain assistance. However, these terms are not one in the same. Assistive technologies  allows for more independence by giving individuals the ability to perform tasks they were unable or had difficulty in performing by adjusting and enhancing  t echnology. Adaptive technologies are specifically manufactured for individuals with disabilities. Both of these allow for individuals to experience a positive lifestyle filled with inclusivity and ease. My grandmother has used hearing aids since I could remember. Other than that, I have never experienced othe...

Blog #8

The Dynamic Instructional Design model is a great source to reference when exploring a lesson plan while looking for feedback and revision within that plan. It breaks down a process into 6 steps to follow when analyzing student learning. The lesson plan I chose to assess is known as Respect Others. Respect Yourself.  ( ). It emphasizes the importance of self-respect in human development in order to construct healthy relationships and behaviors amongst one another. The lesson plan hits on many of the points highlights in the D.I.D model. The first part of the D.I.D discusses knowing your learners. Seeing that the lesson plan targets students in 6-12th grade, one can understand where this age group's developmental stage is and what their backgrounds may consist of. The next part discusses articulate objectives. This lesson plan outlines three important objectives that students should master by the end. The learnin...