Blog 11
I can see the many benefits that Excel has to offer in terms of student reports. However, I do not see myself using the application as others may. I have attempted to use Excel on multiple occasions and rarely am I able to use it correctly no matter how much time or effort I put into it. Data collection, on the other hand, I can see myself using when observing my students. Because I hope to teach middle school, observing behaviors will help me develop a more effective teaching style. This is more of a personal collection. Implementing surveys both at the beginning and end of the school year would also be something that I do to understand what worked and what didn't for the students. The "flipped classroom" is the idea that we opt for core instruction to be taught at home, while homework is worked on in the classroom. This allows for students to work through the lecture at a pace comfortable for them and to work on assignments that they may need assistance with with th...